Artwork Setup
Quality Press are commercial sheetfed printers and as such require artwork submissions to comply with accepted trade standards and technical specifications. Artwork submissions that do not comply with the following standards and technical specifications may result in production delays, unpredictable results and additional costs. If you have never designed artwork for commercial printers such as Quality Press before, then it is strongly recommended that you employ the services of our qualified graphic designers. If your artwork requires alteration or correction subsequent to submission, additional costs will be incurred.
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) v1.5 (Acrobat 6) is the preferred format for supplied artwork. Quality Press uses the latest in PDF workflow technology and there are several benefits in supplying your artwork as a PDF file.
Faster turnaround times
Once your compliant PDF artwork has been received we can place it directly into our workflow to be processed, eliminating the need for front end file handling.
The content of your document is compressed into a single cross platform, self contained file, making it easily transferred over the internet via email or uploaded to the Quality Press FTP server. Please contact your sales representative if you wish to set up an FTP account.
Other Supported Document Formats
- QuarkXpress up to v6.5
- Adobe InDesign up to v4.0
- All other formats by prior arrangement only.
- All fonts and images used in a document must be supplied.
- Documents must be supplied to finished size with a minimum of 3mm bleed.
- Please keep file names to a maximum of 31 characters in length including extension and do not use slashes.
- Please supply a hard copy, if possible.
- Please supply all linked image files in one folder.
- Continuous tone bitmap images should be supplied at 300ppi and saved as either TIF or EPS format in their appropriate colour space e.g. CMYK for four colour process.
- 1 bit images should be supplied at no less than 1200ppi and saved as TIF format.
- Do not embed colour profiles.
- Do not include layers, fonts or compression within bitmap files.
- Any modification of an image such as rotation, colour, cropping and scaling should be made in its native application, e.g. Adobe Photoshop for bitmap images and not in the document.
- Quality Press uses the Pantone Matching System for spot colour printing, please select spot colours from a valid Pantone library.
- Please convert all spot colours to CMYK in artwork intended to be output as CMYK, failing to do so may yield undesired colour conversions.
- Do not use spot colours in areas effected by transparency.
- Do not use colour management.
- For large solid black areas a rich black with values of 60{6ca4a7ddf3f38de3f78d88edb9dc44fd2046b3b6c7d7600fb66ad08285f6372e} Cyan, 40{6ca4a7ddf3f38de3f78d88edb9dc44fd2046b3b6c7d7600fb66ad08285f6372e} Magenta, 40{6ca4a7ddf3f38de3f78d88edb9dc44fd2046b3b6c7d7600fb66ad08285f6372e} Yellow and 100{6ca4a7ddf3f38de3f78d88edb9dc44fd2046b3b6c7d7600fb66ad08285f6372e} Black is recommended.
- Please Supply all fonts that are used within a document and linked graphics. Fonts within a PDF must be embedded, do not subset.
- Only PostScript Type 1, PostScript Type 3 and OpenType formats are supported.
- Do not use TrueType, Dfont or Multiple Master fonts.
- Do not use fonts with the same name that are different formats.
- For PostScript fonts please ensure that all printer and screen fonts are supplied.
- Do not use artificial outline styles.
- Quality and economy are our two standards of proof output. Quality proofs are colour accurate, economy proofs are not colour managed and are for content approval only.
- All corrections or amendments to a document no matter how minor must be re-proofed.
- Spot colours on quality proofs are simulated only and are not colour accurate.
General information
- Dielines, embossing and foil guides must be included in artwork as an overprinting separation.
- All trapping is applied by Quality Press. Do not apply any custom trap settings to your artwork.
- Do not use “hairline” line width settings.
- Do not reverse out type less than 7pt.
- Quality Press will apply creep to the inner pages of saddle stitched publications, making pages towards the centre of a document shorter. Please check with your sales representative as to how this will effect your document.
- Perfect bound cover artwork must include a spine and ink free area.
Please contact your sales representative for measurements.